Saturday, July 21, 2012

...get rid of the handguns!


The Massacre in a Movie Theater

What is it going to take to get rid of the handguns in this country? Apparently a variety of horrific shootings in high schools (Columbine) or colleges (Virginia Tech) isn’t enough. Apparently shooting a member of Congress in the head (along with her staff and people who came to see her) isn’t enough to spur action.
And now, the shooting of innocent people in Aurora, Colo., who simply went out to see a movie won’t be enough. There will always be crazy or terrible people in any society; the difference in the United States is that they have access to handguns.
I for one would like to see both presidential candidates step up, be willing to fight the National Rifle Association and tell the American people what they are going to do so that this does not happen again.
New York, July 20, 2012-


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