... you have to be willing to step out of the boat.
Relacionamento com Deus é uma mão de duas vias. Quem não se alimenta da Palavra + Relacionamento com o Corpo de Cristo, não pode alimentar outros... é fato.
Engano maldito é pensar que podemos viver fora deste Corpo e ainda assim crescer em Deus. A família - principalmente os filhos - mais cedo ou mais tarde, serão os primeiros a sentir as consequencias do grande erro que cometemos.
Compromisso com o Pai e com os irmãos continua sendo essencial para uma vida plena e cheia de graça contrapondo a com a dureza do dia-a-dia. Pular do barco e ter uma vida séria com Deus exige decisão, coragem e esforço para ir além do nosso comodismo... o que só achamos quando depositamos tudo aos pés dAquele que deseja um relacionamento continuo, duradouro e frutífero conosco.
E aí... vamos iniciar um Novo Ano ou dar continuidade em brincar de igrejinha? O texto da Joyce abaixo elucida um pouco...
-- cas :)
Whose Approval?
Many even of the leading men (the authorities and the nobles) believed and trusted in Him. But because of the Pharisees they did not confess it, for fear that [if they should acknowledge Him] they would be expelled from the synagogue; for they loved the approval and the praise and the glory that come from men [instead of and] more than the glory that comes from God.— John 12:42-43
You might be trapped in a religious boat, going to church, bored, just waiting till it gets over, playing a bunch of silly religious games, playing up to all the right people so you can be in the right social group at church. That’s not the way God wants you to live. He wants you to be full of zeal and radically in love with Him! If you want God to do something in your life, you have to be willing to step out of the boat.
It’s pretty sad when you care more about what people think than you do about what God thinks. I would rather get criticized, gossiped about, put out of the group, or anything than live one more day of my life unhappy and miserable. Jesus is passing by, and I’m getting out of the boat. I will follow Him. I will not stay in prison any longer; I will be free.
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Jumping into the sea at sunset. Using the self timer Originally uploaded by www.AlastairHumphreys.com |
It’s pretty sad when you care more about what people think than you do about what God thinks. I would rather get criticized, gossiped about, put out of the group, or anything than live one more day of my life unhappy and miserable. Jesus is passing by, and I’m getting out of the boat. I will follow Him. I will not stay in prison any longer; I will be free.
From the book The Confident Woman: Devotions for Each Day of the Year by Joyce Meyer.
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