I believe I was called early in life against the oppressor of lives, specially to fight in favor of the victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence... leading to degradation of children and women emotionally, verbally and physically. My passion and hope is to see many lives rescued by the power of God and see them live in a restoration by the Holy Spirit through a relationship with Jesus. It is possible. God's Word promises us: we can cry during the night but the joy comes in the morning. Jesus is the ONE who can comfort and heal our heart, mind and body.

These days the 'first-old-passion' is back because it's time to wake-up and act. All these years were not wasted - I need to believe that - and my Father was molding me. I don't' know anything but I have this fire in my heart and a cry in my voice: I want to pray until I became exhausted that I need to sleep to wake up again and continue to walk on this Call.

The fear is here, and of course the pain: emotional and physical. Sometimes is unbearable. Painful memories from childhood is hard to forget but it is possible when we surrender completely to Jesus, the Healer.

Pray is the key. Intercession is the order. Seeking God is the only way. Jesus is my everything. I need to rely in the Holy Spirit to keep walking.
One step today. Just for today... and it is enough because He is the one who carried me all the time then and now.
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