Saturday, January 16, 2010

Continue to pray for Haiti !

On the website of Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida, you can find opportunities to help on the following online resources:

* InterAction -
* The Center for International Disaster Information-
* Volunteer Florida -


Don’t Give Up!

So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Galatians 6:9 (the message)

Do you ever feel like giving up? Perhaps you’re discouraged about your finances or you’re facing problems with your health, your marriage, or your children. Sometimes problems seem so overwhelming that the road ahead seems too steep
to climb.

We all go through these times. I’ve wanted to give up and quit many times through the years. But when I realized I had nothing interesting to go back to, I determined to keep pressing on.

Even though continuing to move forward is sometimes painful, it is far better than giving up and sliding backwards. God is doing a good work in you so He can do more for you and through you. So ask Him to fill you with holy determination tonight and keep moving in the right direction.

From the book Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Evening of the Year by Joyce Meyer.


Friday, January 15, 2010

Today, We’re All Haitians

January 13, 2010, 8:54 am

Today, We’re All Haitians

After 9/11, the French newspaper Le Monde declared: We Are All Americans. And after yesterday’s earthquake: Today, we are all Haitians. No country seems to have had worse luck with misrule, environmental mismanagement, natural disasters and poor governance than Haiti. And now the earthquake.

Poverty always hugely magnifies natural disasters. I saw this first in the terrible 1991 cyclone in Bangladesh that killed more than 100,000 people. The poorest people lived in marginal areas, such as flood plains, and in flimsy huts that were immediately washed away. So they were killed. Those who were better off lived on firmer land in sturdier homes, and after the disaster they were able to afford clean water and medical care for their children. Frequently what kills people in these disasters isn’t just nature but its interconnection with poverty, and in Haiti it’s imperative to arrange not only the earthquake response — digging people out of rubble — but also a public health response by controlling disease and assuring access to clean water for survivors.

I don’t know Haiti well, but I was struck during a visit last year how the country was already suffering from the hurricane aftermath and the global economic crisis (largely because of a drop in remittances). This earthquake is one more disaster piled on so many other misfortunes; my heart goes out to Haitians everywhere. I’m sure some of you readers know Haiti far better: What are your thoughts on the crisis, on what must be done, and on how people can help?


Thursday, January 14, 2010

I lift my hands forever...

picture by nick

Let's praise the Lord, because every morning is a new start for us. Yesterday... well, yesterday passed already. I want the new, better and wonderful things that God has for me today. It's our choice to alow Him make a new beginning again and again in our lives. Have a blessing day too!


Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Faz chover Senhor Jesus sobre esta nação, sobre o Haiti, sobre a minha vida e dos meus irmãos... que possamos enviar a Tua esperança através da intercessão incessante !

PG (pedro geraldo) on "Faz Chover"



Tuesday, 12 Jan 2010
PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti - The strongest earthquake in more than 200 years rocked Haiti on Tuesday.

Dixie Bickel who runs an orphanage (God’s Littlest Angels) in Port au Prince did an interview with Matt Lauer this morning:

Keep HAITI in your prayers !


Willpower: The Fair Weather Friend

But I say, walk and live [habitually] in the [Holy] Spirit [responsive to and controlled and guided by the Spirit]; then you will certainly not gratify the cravings and desires of the flesh (of human nature without God).
Galatians 5:16

Willpower sure sounds like a great thing. We are led to believe that we have enough of it to fight off every temptation that comes our way. And sometimes it works. But let me tell you a little secret about willpower. Willpower is your best friend when things go well, but it's the first friend to check out when you get weary. I have found that if I really don't want to do something, my mind gives me plenty of reasons why I don't have to. My emotions even join in, saying, "I agree because I don't feel like doing it anyway."

Our soul (mind, will, emotions) would love to run our lives, but the Bible says we are to be led by God's Spirit. We are never instructed to be willpower-led, we are told to be Spirit-led. Willpower and discipline are important and vitally necessary to a successful life, but willpower alone won't be enough. Determination gets you started and keeps you going for awhile, but it is never enough to bring you across the finish line. Zechariah 4:6 (NKJV) says, "Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit," says the Lord of hosts.

What happens if, instead of turning first to willpower in your time of need, you turn to God instead? God releases His power into your willpower and energizes it to bring you across the finish line. Willpower does not get the credit for our success, God does. Jesus said in John 15:5, "apart from Me [cut off from vital union with Me] you can do nothing." This is one of the most important and most difficult lessons we must learn if we want to enjoy the life Jesus died to give us.

From the book New Day, New You: 365 Devotions for Enjoying Everyday Life by Joyce Meyer.
