Thursday, October 29, 2009

"Until The Whole World Hears"

Lord I want to feel your heart
and see the world through your eyes
I want to be your hands and feet
I want to live a life that leads

ready yourselves
ready yourselves
Let us shine the light of Jesus in the darkest night
ready yourselves
ready yourselves
May the powers of darkness tremble as our praises rise
Until the whole world hears Lord we are calling out
Lifting up Your name for all to hear the sound
Like voices in the wilderness we're crying out
as the day draws near
we'll sing until the whole world hears

Lord let your sleeping giant arise
Catch the demons by surprise
Holy nation sanctified
Let this be our battle cry

we'll sing until the whole world hears
we'll sing until the whole world hears

Want to be your hands and feet
Want to be a life that leads
To see you set the captive free
Until the whole world hears
and I pray that they will see more of you and less of me
Lord I want my life to be the song You sing
Until the whole world hears Lord we are calling out
Lifting your name up for all to hear the sound
Like voices in the wilderness we're crying out
as the day draws near
we'll sing until the whole world hears

Little Cas



Minha mae... eh e sempre foi a mae mais corajosa do mundo!
Tenho orgulho de ser filha da "Marli".

Mulher que passou por crises, perdas, tempos dificeis... mas nunca esmoreceu.
Mulher de fibra que sempre acolheu quem precisasse dela.
Facil de conviver com ela? Rsrsrsr, as vezes, he,he... mas quem eh que nao ama esta mulher?

Mamae acaba sendo sempre o centro das atencoes e que tem palavras de conselho para dar... lembro dela no magisterio e agora na enfermagem... sempre cercada de "amigas-filhas".
Hoje me olho no espelho e vejo muito dela em mim, rsrsrsr, as vezes lembro dela mais "moca" e me acho a cara dela - lindona igual a mim, eh claro!
Avo suprema... que faz cabaninha e brinca de gatinho, falando um ingles enrolado, rsrsrsr Camille ama esta super avo! Sogra sem igual (palavras de meu marido Adriano) que "adotou" meu amado como se fosse seu proprio filho. Obrigada por mais isto mae Marli!
Sinto sua falta mae! Mas creio que ainda passaremos muitos momentos juntas, recordando nossas memorias e nossos queridos... louvando a Deus pelo que Ele nos deu e como tem nos amparado ate hoje.
Mae, tenho orgulho de voce e da sua garra, estudando e indo atras do que sempre amou sem esmorecer, sem atentar para as dificuldades. Soh uma coisa me pertuba: porque nunca podemos comer de prato na mao no sofa???? Rsrsrsrsrsr Beijos com amor eterno.

Nas minhas nem pensar!

picture by casaquinuma reflexão interessante sobre brincos, filhas e mamães...

The #1 Way to Start Your Day

picture by jandiro

devocional by Joyce Meyer

God wants us to have joy in the midst of our ordinary, everyday life—even on the worst days of our life. It took me a lot of years to figure this out, but I now know that the very best way to start my day is by giving thanks to God for what He’s done for me, and asking Him how I can be a blessing to other people.

There were times in my life when I dreaded facing each day. All I could think about was my circumstances—wondering how Dave and I were going to pay the bills or get everything done that we needed to do. Sometimes I wanted to pull the covers over my head and just stay in bed.
I was so wrapped up in worry that I was missing the point: God had created a new day, and He wanted me to enjoy it.

Achieving an A+ Attitude

Every single day is filled with all kinds of situations that could upset you—things like losing your car keys or getting caught in a traffic jam. But you can choose to be at peace and in control.
God doesn’t necessarily create difficult situations for us, but He will use them to develop our character. When you and I take our minds off ourselves and our circumstances, and put our focus on God and loving others, we are embracing an attitude that will bring honor to Him. No matter what happens during our lifetime, we can be sure that God is working everything out for our good.

Setting Realistic Expectations
Another thing I’ve learned is that you cannot count on someone else to make you happy. You must take responsibility for your own happiness. There was a time when I would feel sorry for myself if Dave went to play golf the day after one of our big conferences. I wanted him to go shopping or watch a movie with me. But God showed me that we have different ways of relaxing and unwinding. By keeping our expectations of each other “real,” we can be free to do what we really enjoy.

Putting God and Others First
When you feel discouraged about yourself or your circumstances, remember that God made you and loves you just the way you are. He is leading you to where you’re supposed to be. And He is going to be with you every step of the way.
I encourage you to spend time each morning focusing on the good things God has done in your life. Think about the dangers and difficulties He’s brought you through, the ways He’s healed you and changed you, and how good it is to know He cares for you and hears your prayers. When you learn to set your mind on God each morning, He’ll give you all the peace and joy you need to love others every single day of your life.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Bacon, ovos e salsichas!

Ou: quando a culpa arruma sua mochila e vai viajar

Blog das Mamíferas - Mãe, Mulher e tudo mais

by por: Flávia Penido (Mamífera convidada)

A Flávia, que é doula, escreve bem que só ela... não a conheço pessoalmente, mas sempre me delicio com 'suas' palavrinhas, e não seria diferente agora !


Até breve...

Aquele tipo de dor que ninguém realmente sabe...
A dor que sentimos por aqueles que de fato a sentem profundamente.
Lembramos das perdas passadas.
Lembramos da angústia. Da sensação de que não há passagem de tempo - a hora parou. Tudo quieto. Absurdamente silencioso.
Lembro então do conforto.
Aconchego que só o Senhor tem. Por ora, é díficil de sentí-lo.
Creio firmemente que temos que viver a dor e deixá-la transpassar-nos, para depois podermos permitir que o consolo venha.
Fingir que nada aconteceu... não é o caminho.
Você tem voz de aeromoça, kkk me lembrarei de ti sempre
Alegre-se com o PAI ! Até um dia...


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Beware the "Flesh Days"

In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths.
Proverbs 3:6

I have found that the more obedient I am, the easier it is to be obedient again. And the more disobedient I am, the easier it is to be disobedient. Some days we can tell as soon as we wake up that we're going to have what I call a "flesh day." We start the day feeling stubborn and lazy.

Our first thoughts are: I'm not cleaning this house, I'm going shopping. I'm not staying on this stupid diet either. I'm eating what I want to eat all day, and I don't want anybody in my face bugging me about it. If they do, I'm going to tell them what I think.

If we feel that way when we wake up, we have a decision to make. We can follow those feelings or we can pray, "God, please help me, quick!" Our feelings can come under the lordship of Jesus Christ if we ask Him to help us straighten out our attitude.

I know all about flesh days; I know we can start out acting bad, and it can go from bad to worse. It seems that once we give in to a selfish attitude and follow our flesh, it's downhill to a wasted day. But every time we obey our conscience, we widen the window that God can use to lead us by His Spirit. Every time we follow the leading of our conscience, it lets in more light the next time. Once we enjoy knowing that God will truly lead us to a better plan, it gets easier to obey Him promptly.

because is worth it !

Always !


The King rides into Town

What a great picture.

What a beautifuk story.

What a Wonderful SAVIOR !