Monday, November 21, 2011

10 key ways to take action against modern-day slavery

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach good tidings to the poor; he has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and the opening of the prison door to those who are bound.” – Isaiah 61:1
Once we have opened our hearts to the injustice of modern sex slavery, there is only one response: take action. As long as one person remains in slavery, we are committed to fight it. We refuse to turn a blind eye to this injustice and will not allow it to continue on our watch.

Exodus Cry has identified 10 key ways to take action
against modern-day slavery:



“Thy Kingdom Come.” God has ordained His kingdom to operate in conjunction with human participation. He will avenge our cries and bring speedy justice when we cry out day and night for these women and children. Join our prayer initiatives »



Open your heart. We must open our heart to the plight of the oppressed and allow ourselves to be moved by the things that move the heart of God.


Stand in Purity

Lust fuels slavery. Abolition begins with a commitment to personal purity; otherwise, we will find ourselves in partnership with the very spirit that keeps the sex trade booming. Make the purity covenant.


Spread The Word

Become informed. Tell others in your sphere of influence about the realities of modern day slavery.



Be a servant. Offer your time, talents, and passions to organizations in your community who serve victims of trafficking.



Slavery thrives in shadows. Ask the Lord to shed light on the underworld of trafficking and give you eyes to see. You can play a vital role in keeping watch in your community. To report Human Trafficking call the national hotline at 1-888-3737-888 (National Human Trafficking Resource Center)



Touch one life. Women and children are being sexually exploited in just about every city on earth. If you look for them, you will find them. Whether it’s a woman being sold on the street, or dancing in a strip club; get to know them, love them through their struggles, and believe with them for the full restoration that comes through Christ.


Speak Up

Be a voice for the voiceless. Let your voice be heard by contacting local politicians and community leaders about your concern for those victimized in the commercial sex trade. Petition them to implement the Swedish model of combating trafficking and prostitution. Find out more about the the Swedish Model (PDF)


Adopt a Child

Who will father the fatherless? 90% of women in domestic prostitution were at one point in the foster care system. Trafficking is an exploitation of vulnerability. Adopting a child who is lost in the foster care system can prevent another young life from slipping into the tentacles of forced prostitution and human trafficking.



Sow into Freedom. Join the abolitionist movement by giving financially to ministries who partner with the heart of Jesus to bring liberty to the captives and healing to the broken.

My Calling

I believe I was called early in life against the oppressor of lives, specially to fight in favor the victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence. All these horrible things are included in Human Trafficking or Modern-Day Slavery and leads to a degradation of children and women emotionally and physically. My passion and hope is to see lives rescued by the power of God, watched them live in a restoration by the Holy Spirit through a relationship with Jesus. It is possible. God's Word promises us: we can cry during the night but the joy comes in the morning Jesus is the one who broke the chains of sin and heal our heart, mind and body.
Footsteps by Jelle Knüppe
These days the first-old-passion is back because it's time to wakeup and act. All these years were not wasted - I need to believe that - and I like to think that my Father was molding me. I don't' know anything but I have this fire in my heart and a cry in my voice. I want to pray until I became exhausted that I need to sleep to wake up again and continue to walk on this Call.
The fear is here, and of course the pain: emotional and physical. Sometimes is unbearable. Painful memories is hard to forget. I don't want to think about it but sometimes became old it's not fun at all. In the other side I love my age and never cross my mind to return at my 20's. But the urgency that I'm not 20th y-old anymore is powerful and it's yelling to not waste time... no more.
Pray is the key. Intercession is the order. Seeking God is the only way. Jesus is my everything. I need to rely in the Holy Spirit to keep walking.
One step today. Just for today... is enough because He is the one who carried me all the time.