divorce |diˈvôrs|
• the legal dissolution of a marriage by a court or other competent body.• a legal decree dissolving a marriage.
For the last few days came to my knowledge that two couples (friends from long ago in my motherland) are not married anymore... a least not to each other. One is still married but with a new partner strange to us; the other, who knows what's going on.
A complete sadness came to my heart. Knowing at first hand how devastating is a divorce for any family, I barely can understand who, in a million of years, could wanted it for themselves. The damage it causes is like a stain in the whole family: stays for a long time in your heart, mind and future; until you find the healing of Christ. Then little by little, Jesus heals the wounds and makes our story a new one again if we allowed and open our lives to Him.
Remain MARRIED is a daily decision. Not a small task for anybody. Most of people think it takes two people to make it to work. But for a real marriage it takes more than that. We must rely on God to make it to function. It is no other way if you really want to stay together as a couple until the 'death apart us'. Give up it's not an option and we needed to battle for our families. Being 'Courageous' needs to be more than just a song and a resolution nailed in the wall. It requires prayer and action combine with a full dependence on God to preserve our matrimony and to build a strong family.
When I take a look in my daughter's face I see how she is content (in a state of peaceful happiness) 'cause she knows she is loved, cared, and has a guidance to go through her life. She has a secure nest to talk, to cry, to confide and be angry. She can express herself and find the love she needs. She also knows her parents are praying and interceding for her in any matter, subject or crises. She is growing to understand that being married is a blessing when a couple walks with God. He is the One who provides the strength, love, forgiveness and perseverance to keep us together. Without Him nothing is possible or desirable.

Despite my 'divorced' childhood, I have being married for 17 years. My husband and I decide in our dating time that we were not going to make the same mistakes as our parents but we will let God be our guidance. It was and still is a wise decision not without a challenge though.
I looked at my daughter then with joy I prophesied that she will be the second generation to honor a marriage and totally rely on God to make it real. And once again, only God through Jesus' healing could make me see that. How amazing!
PS: my 'article' needs a lot of correction that I will do.... it's to late now lol.