Prepare to Love Others

The night is far gone and the day is almost there. Let us then drop (fling away) the works and deeds of darkness and put onthe [full] armor of light.
— Romans 13:12
Before your feet touch the floor in the morning, put on the full armor of God with which you can quench all the fiery darts of the enemy (See Ephesians 6:13–17). Put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, and the readiness of the gospel of peace.
Don’t let the devil steal your peace in the morning. Start talking to God before you even get out of bed. Tell Him, “I love You, Lord, and I need Your help today. Please strengthen me to walk in the fruit of the Spirit. Help me walk in love all day long. Help me to keep my thoughts on You, Lord.”
From the book Starting Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Morning of the Year by Joyce Meyer.
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