Saturday, January 12, 2013

Human Trafficking - Did you Know?

by Oklahomans Against Trafficking Humans (O.A.T.H.)
Most people think that human trafficking here in the U.S. is mainly about the abduction or kidnapping of children. This misconception happens because the majority of news reports and Hollywood movies only focus on these abduction stories due to the shock and fear factor that these cases have.
The other big misconception that most of us have is that this only happens in other countries or to the “illegal aliens” that come here from those impoverished nations.
Even professionals that work as law enforcement, prosecutors and judges have misconceptions that this is all about smuggling people in and out of our nation. Human trafficking and smuggling are two different things.

Less than 1% of these cases involve “Stranger Danger” abductions. Kidnapping is actually very rare according to the FBI. Of the 2 million missing kids last year, only about 150 to 200 were stranger abductions.

Over 98% The majority of sexual abuse of women and children happens by someone they know and the family trust. “Relationship Danger” is what we need to be teaching to our kids.

Average age 12-14 The average age when a girl is recruited by a pimp/trafficker and forced into sex trafficking here in America is 13.

#1 Problem FBI says that the #1 way that sexual predators find their young victims now is Online through Social Networking sites. The Internet is the “new playground” where our kids meet new friends! A recent study found that 1/3 of all kids online have talked with people they don’t really know about meeting in person… making them extremely vulnerable to being exploited.

“Boyfriends” The majority of people that become victims of human trafficking are recruited by someone they meet that takes time to gain their trust through romance and entices the victim to come away with them… only to abuse and exploit them for profit once they are out of their familiar surroundings.

New Girlfriends The next way a pimp/trafficker finds and recruits young girls is through a teen girl that they have already abused and brainwashed. This is very effective because girls trust their girl friends and go with them without suspecting something terrible is about to happen.

Family Member Abuser The most shocking of all is when a mom or dad trades their own child for drugs. This is known as ‘Intimate Partner Trafficking’, where the pimp/trafficker is not a gang banger, pedophile or stranger – but a trusted member of the family.

A Better Blueprint

Autumn walk Originally uploaded by Sameli
by JMeyer
We are assured and know that [God being a partner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose.
— Romans 8:28
Notice here that Paul does not say that all things are good, but that all things work together for good. Paul also says in Romans 12:16 to “readily adjust yourself to [people, things].” You must learn to become the kind of person who plans things but who doesn’t fall apart if that plan doesn’t work out.
Perhaps your car doesn’t start tomorrow. You can think, “I knew it! My plans always fail.” Or you can tell yourself, “Well, I’ll go later when the car is fixed. There is probably some reason I need to be at home today, so I’m going to enjoy my time here.” Relax and trust God to work out the details of your life—His blueprint is always best.

My Calling

I believe I was called early in life against the oppressor of lives, specially to fight in favor of the victims of sexual abuse, domestic violence... leading to degradation of children and women emotionally, verbally and physically. My passion and hope is to see many lives rescued by the power of God and see them live in a restoration by the Holy Spirit through a relationship with Jesus. It is possible. God's Word promises us: we can cry during the night but the joy comes in the morning. Jesus is the ONE who can comfort and heal our heart, mind and body.
These days the 'first-old-passion' is back because it's time to wake-up and act. All these years were not wasted - I need to believe that - and my Father was molding me. I don't' know anything but I have this fire in my heart and a cry in my voice: I want to pray until I became exhausted that I need to sleep to wake up again and continue to walk on this Call.
The fear is here, and of course the pain: emotional and physical. Sometimes is unbearable. Painful memories from childhood is hard to forget but it is possible when we surrender completely to Jesus, the Healer.
Pray is the key. Intercession is the order. Seeking God is the only way. Jesus is my everything. I need to rely in the Holy Spirit to keep walking.
One step today. Just for today... and it is enough because He is the one who carried me all the time then and now.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

desire of my heart

God, I want to represent you well in my life. I want to be a picture of your power and strength to all who know me. Some days that is hard, but that is the desire of my heart.

Monday, January 7, 2013

...domingo em forma de Ano Novo...

E pensar que eu já deveria estar dormindo a muito tempo hehe Amanhã começam as aulas e o dia vem cedo... daqui 4 horas mais. Nosso domingo gostoso e cheio de bençãos findou horas atrás com os meus Tucos dormindo cedo... a coruja que existe em mim, insiste em escrever e ler no silêncio e perto das cachorras.
Há dois meses atrás fomos consagrados pastores para o Senhor como bem me lembrou nosso primo e pastor amado que nos acompanha e de quem temos saudades demasiadas. E hoje meu amado trouxe o Ano Novo de Deus para as ovelhas - quando este Novo Ano começou em sua vida? Espero que há tempo e se não ainda que o faça rápido, pois andar com Deus continua sendo a melhor resolução e jornada de qualquer ano que se inicia.
O almoço de tão tranquilo me assusta, até as minhas dog-girls se aquietaram e juntos vimos inúmeros capítulos de como arrumar uma casa... simpáticos e pacientes, estes dois irmãos nos conquistaram, ao menos por uma temporada de tv. A Tuca termina uma redação e ouve conselhos... mais um capítulo que se inicia para ela e para nós. Sobreviveremos com certeza, pois uma calma nos permeia tão diferente da de ontem. Que paz é essa que Deus nos dá que não vai embora, e que me maravilha um pouco mais? 
A fome que se apresenta nas madrugadas não é de livro. Vem em forma de um bom chocolate quente com mais 'bolachinhas' do que eu supostamente deveria comer.
A resolução de ontem - de não comer bolachas de madrugada - é menor que a de agora; mas permanece aqui e vou caminhando porque o meu Ano Novo começou a muitos anos atrás, e deste futuro que vem em forma de tantos dias e meses a frente... eu não tenho medo. Maranata Senhor Jesus, me leva a sonhar os teus sonhos!

novo ano e a nina

Há minha flor mariquinha, minha filha do peito, minha Nina... outro ano chegou e a saudade ficou perdida lá atrás. Re-encontrarte-ei, ou ficarei a espera de um milagre? Nos sonhos reais e do sono que tenho, te tenho perto de mim e vejo teu sorriso restaurado, tua face branca e minha risada junto a tua relembrando, refazendo e vivendo. A vida muda, o amor grita e a ausência está desnuda de tudo. Tudinho.