Human Trafficking - Did you Know?
by Oklahomans Against Trafficking Humans (O.A.T.H.)
Most people think that human trafficking here in the U.S. is mainly about the abduction or kidnapping of children. This misconception happens because the majority of news reports and Hollywood movies only focus on these abduction stories due to the shock and fear factor that these cases have.
The other big misconception that most of us have is that this only happens in other countries or to the “illegal aliens” that come here from those impoverished nations.
Even professionals that work as law enforcement, prosecutors and judges have misconceptions that this is all about smuggling people in and out of our nation. Human trafficking and smuggling are two different things.
The other big misconception that most of us have is that this only happens in other countries or to the “illegal aliens” that come here from those impoverished nations.
Even professionals that work as law enforcement, prosecutors and judges have misconceptions that this is all about smuggling people in and out of our nation. Human trafficking and smuggling are two different things.