Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Teen Dating Violence Prevention Project

February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month!

The Purpose of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month

The repercussions of teen dating violence are impossible to ignore - the issue affects not just youth but their families, schools and communities as well. Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month (TDVAM) brings national focus to the issue of teen dating violence, highlights the need to educate our youth about healthy relationships, raises awareness among those who care for them and provides communities with a critical opportunity to work together to prevent this devastating cycle of abuse.



Coping with the freezing weather at FL

I'm tired of the cold weather...please I need to feel the sun without the freezing breeze! I loved Winter... yes, I said LOVED. For the first time in my life I really tired of cold days. Maybe is somenthing to do with the age.. and the old bones.
I remember years ago when I really wanted to wear puff-jackets, warm scarfs and colorful gloves. Not anymore! 'cause the last winters were so 'warm'... i keept the jackets, but not the long sleeves and now no any store is selling them.

They have bikinis waiting on the hangers... OMG!

And what about the heater on all the time? I don't want to think about the electric bill, hum... not yet, we have another cold front coming this week.
Besides the elegant pictures, fondues and amazing blankets is been too much.
I want to go outside to work at my garden, walk with my dog-girls and ride a bike with my Tuca... and make love without a big comfort on us, please!

I realize the age has everything to do with that ... well, a least with the memories :) I still have in my heart some good winter days at my father's house. The old burning stove had warm and cozy food. The exquisite chimney bringing the 'hot air' through the rooms. My hero always using wool socks, drinking hot tea and snoring between the old movies. Oh... I miss him very much.

These days I have my other hero - my partner, my love, my friend and my everything - in his warm clothes and regular socks... no, it's not a joke. Tuca in her pajamas with wool socks, of course, and part of my zoo at our feet. Actually, the dog-girls are on the sofa with their blankets. The cats, well they are cats and stayed whatever they want :) Me? I'm always with my socks doesn't matter what in all the seasons.

We talk, we watch movies and cartoons, we revised homework, pray and planned our next days. We are a family !
Maybe this winter is not upsetting at all... but I still want a new bikini :)


Monday, February 15, 2010

Domestic Violence a Choice Study Shows

Violence between couples is usually calculated,
and does not result from loss of control

The study shows that various types of intimate violence serve as a tool to solve conflict between couples, and is usually the result of a decision-making process

Read more: http://www.harborhousefl.com/news/2009/10/22/news/domestic-violence-a-choice-study-shows/


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Bless Somebody

picture by ANVRecife

February 14

And let us not lose heart and grow weary and faint in acting nobly and doing right, for in due time and at the appointed season we shall reap, if we do not loosen and relax our courage and faint.
Luke 6:39 NIV

The Word says, “Let each one of us make it a practice to please (make happy) his neighbor for his good and for his true welfare, to edify him [to strengthen him and build him up spiritually]” (Romans 15:2).

This tells me that we need to have our mind full of ways to bless people. Early in the day, think up something you want to do to bless someone. Think up something you can do to surprise somebody or to make somebody happy.You will be amazed at how quickly the Lord leads you to something good you can do for someone. Joy comes from giving on His behalf.

From the book Starting Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Morning of the Year by Joyce Meyer.
