Saturday, May 29, 2010

Memories of the Barbecue and so much more...

Great time at the Barbecue in the Park. The rain was so much fun. I felt like a child again: running through the puddle of mud... :)

The bounced house was full already... and made me remember the 'pula-pula' of my childhood in Brazil. I don't remember one specific one and what city, just the old sensation of jumping, jumping... How can you be tired of that? If look at our kids you'll see that is impossible.

The cotton candy is another memory from my earlier years. I never liked. Instead, I always be fascinated about the 'making of the candy': amounts of sugar mixing and ta-da... : a soft mini 'cloud' sticking in our hands!

The gathering of the many people is very comfortable for a person who was born in the middle of a huge family. The church family today, is now the one that I choose to walk together and be shoulder to shoulder in everything that comes. It is comfortable (no, not the comfort zone)... and I am happy.

The barbecue itself is another story. My father was a huge fan and maker of 'churrasco'... and nothing is like his barbecue. Today, we had a delicious one ! The smell of the barbecue and the sides of rice, 'farofa' and 'vinagrete' made the meal amazing... and please a big cup of coca-cola, with lots of ice. Deal!

People were coming and leaving... but in the middle of this I saw a woman with 4 kids. Called my attention. Who is she? Where she comes from? Is she the grandmother of the little ones?
Nobody knows and few people went to ask. And maybe they made a impact on her life. She stayed there. Her kids ate, made crafts, jumped and played... kids are so resilient doesn't matter what. I loved what I heard from my wonderful friend - the one who always care, sees the good side of everything and have a deep relationship with our Father - "...the woman was not invited... she was brought by God Himself" and that's it ! Enough of dumb talking people. In the end, the woman is the nanny who takes care of the kids and she was working... good time for her and for me.

Few visitants, more food and talking... is one way to start a good relationship and give the Love that we received everyday from our Lord.

And then comes the rain. My first thought was: "why we didn't pack and left 10 minutes ago?" but where's the fun in it ?! Kids were running - one with the cast in her arm was scare to wet and dissolves everything, kkk - Mothers were screaming... and the drops continues very fast. Umbrellas appeared from nowhere and black t-shirts became soaked in seconds.
Who missed that, really missed the joy of it. I looked at my clean-this-week-washed tennis shoes... so dirty now. Really, well, who cares?

I saw the puddles of mud..., where's the children?
I played and jumped myself with wet clothes and a borrow umbrella (don't need that time, but...) and was peaceful to feel the rain.

Another day. Another event. God is good all the time.

Originally uploaded by ♥ e l i z a b e t h


Thursday, May 27, 2010

Five high-school graduates, five extraordinary people...

When we read stories like that always come to our mind: it is possible to move forward if we just try. It is an extraordinary story of 5 young people that accomplished one more step in their lives despite everything saying: 'No, you cannot go or can't do it!'Then let's take a look in ourselves and start to run to our goals... nothing will be in our way but us !cas

"In the next few weeks, more than 100,000 high-school seniors in Florida will earn their diplomas. Among them:

Melissa Arias, a Colombian immigrant whose love of book fairs and voracious appetite for reading helped her become a success in a foreign land.
Corinthia Alford, who emerged from a life of abuse and poverty to earn a 4.4 GPA.
Kayde Shamrock, who spent much of her time as a missionary helping other kids.
Thomas Durrant, who overcame his father's suicide to become captain of his swim team and earn a partial scholarship to FSU.
And Nathan Zammit, who spent his high-school years battling a brain tumor but refused to give up on a diploma."

Here are their stories:,0,1059841.story?page=1


Tuesday, May 25, 2010


David Ben Gurion* lia regularmente a História Universal. Por causa deste seu compromisso com o estudo das antigas civilizações, conforme disse, certa vez, ao escritor brasileiro, Érico Veríssimo, não tinha tempo para outros entretenimentos.

Se pudéssemos perguntar ao fundador do Estado de Israel o por quê desta sua preferência, certamente responder-nos-ia com estas palavras de Cícero: "Ignorar ... o que aconteceu antes de termos nascido equivale a ser sempre criança". Como um estadista não se deve portar infantilmente, punha-se Ben Gurion aos pés da História para não repisar as asneiras passadas.

Desgraçadamente, bem poucos foram os governantes que se dedicaram ao exame do pretérito. Eis porque são tão lamentáveis nossas crônicas; e, nossas memórias, tão cruentas.

Que lições de História assimilou Napoleão? Apenas aquelas que contavam as glórias de Alexandre? E, Hitler? Limitou-se a circunscrever-se às efemeridades do Império Romano? Isto é aprender História? Não! É repetir as idiotices de ontem com o nariz enterrado no dia anterior.

Sendo didática a função primordial da História, com ela aprendemos a olhar o mundo de forma retrospectiva e perspectiva. Para que o primeiro olhar seja límpido, é mister que comecemos a estudar a História Universal pelas Sagradas Escrituras. Afinal, teremos de responder a algumas perguntas que, embora simples, não deixam de ser complexas e intrincadas àqueles que ignoram os escritos hebreus e cristãos.

Eis as perguntas que tanto nos desafiam: Quem criou o Universo? Quem foram nossos primeiros pais? Proviemos todos de um mesmo tronco genético? E: Foi realmente Deus quem nos criou?

Das respostas a estas indagações é que se formarão nossas filosofias de vida e de governo.

Quanto ao segundo olhar, é desnecessário dizer que ele depende essencialmente do primeiro. Só conseguiremos trafegar com segurança, se os nossos retrovisores não estiverem quebrados. Doutra forma: atropelaremos o futuro por não perceber que o presente é uma estrada de mão dupla; e, que os semáforos desta via tão irregular, nem sempre funcionam. Quando funcionam, o verde passa para o vermelho sem nenhuma contemplação.

Mas quem aprende com a História Sagrada; e, da História Universal, faz-se discípulo (ambas são regidas pelo Altíssimo) sabe avançar e parar. Quando necessário, espera.

Isto é aprender História: estar com os olhos no futuro, com o espírito no pretérito, e com o coração sempre presente.'

from CPAD Dicionario Teologico (DT)

* David Ben-Gurion דָּוִד בֶּן-גּוּרִיּוֹן‎ was the first Prime Minister of Israel.

In Our Weakness He Is Strong

Originally uploaded by zapplegate

How many cracks in my pot ? Who cares ?
The One that I follow has fixed, healed and continues His wonderful storie on me and with me. What else I need it?
:) cas


Yes, You are my Rock and my Fortress; therefore for Your name’s sake lead me and guide me.
— Psalm 31:3

Each of us has our own unique flaws, like cracked pots. But if we will allow it, Jesus will use our flaws to grace His Father’s table. In God’s great economy, nothing goes to waste.

So as we seek ways to minister together and as God calls you to the tasks He has appointed for you, don’t be afraid of your flaws. Acknowledge them and allow Him to take advantage of them so that you too can be a thing of beauty in His pathway.

Go out boldly, knowing that in our weaknesses we will always find His strength. In Christ the answer to every one of His promises is “Yes,” and for this reason we say, “Amen, so be it!” (See 2 Corinthians 1:20).

(Starting Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Morning of the Year by Joyce Meyer.)


Sunday, May 23, 2010

It Is What It Is!

Wood model
Originally uploaded by Fabiano Panizzi
...knowing that our Father creates us the way we are with absolutely perfection in His eyes -through Jesus-, it is amazing. I'm so glad that in His heart I am the person that He imagine and loves so much ! cas

My body is shaped so that I wear a size eight top and a size ten bottom. I have always been that way. There are lots of beautiful suits I can't buy because they don't come in split sizes. I could buy two suits and take what I needed, but then I'd feel like I had to find someone who was a size eight bottom and a size ten top, so I wasn't being wasteful! The whole situation used to frustrate me until I decided, "It is what it is!"

Now I mostly laugh about it—and laughing is a very important habit to have, especially as you age. If your feet are larger than you would ike them to be, your body is not proportioned perfectly, or you are shorter than you wish you were, don't ever let it frustrate you. Decide right now, "It is what it is!"

I am going to be happy with what I have got and do the best I can with it. Never forget that God wants you to love your body and yourself. He expects it, no matter what messages the world has given you. As the Bible says, Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Romans 12:2, NIV). Think about yourself in a new way. Determine to be the best "you" that you can, and stop trying to be what the world says you should be.

The world can tell you lots of things. It whispers untruths in your ear, many of them cruel. It also changes its views and fashions by the month. If you start following its lead, you are lost. Your friendship with yourself will be lost. But instead, if you see yourself as God sees you, then you will not only love yourself but also have the confidence and faith to be a powerful force for good in the world.

From the book New Day, New You: 365 Devotions for Enjoying Everyday Life by Joyce Meyer.
