Wednesday, July 23, 2008


click... Nao sei da onde veio a paixao por clicar tudo e todos. Sempre a mania que ou irritava ou exasperava e no fim alegrava. Rolos e rolos de filmes... esperando serem revelados... lembrancas e sorrisos mil.
Fotografar tornou-se um escape. De quando a familia se reunia, ou quando se 'achava'. Sonho de consumo ter a 'maquina' que iria clicar sem parar... hoje a tenho, rsrsrs
Capturar, nao a foto perfeita... mas o momento certo do balancar da cabeca, do meio sorriso, do olhar agazeado... minha tuca tornou-se minha model, meus gatos os tiranos e meu amado o incentivador.... Sair de casa com a maquina tornou-se viciante: hilariante para meus queridos e extasiante para mim... Num lugar aonde maquinas sao atracoes, encontrei-me em meu 'real place'.
Smile, cheese, mickey, olha o passarinho...

Four seasons of myself

photo by gren lover

Somedays i feel that i have been drained of all my desire, strengh and feroucious for life.

In other days i am totally ok doing more things than i supposed to do.

But, some days i don't want to think about anything and the heaviness is my partner and i just want to hide.

Then i have 'this' days when i know beyond my own understanding that doesn't matter what kind of mood i have or the nonsense of all... i still have the call and a purpose in God's hands.

It is not that a have doubt from His purpose in my life, He is unchangeable. But, me... well i will stay with this: "be strong because I choose you". I'm gratefull that my God always look on me...despites myself !



Pois eh escrever continua sendo um 'santo remedio'...
Varar a noite pensando tambem. Deixar um 'escrito' para alguem nao seria fenomenal ? Todo mundo deveria escrever e deixar um 'manuscrito' afim de virar posteridade. Uma especie de legado, para que as pessoas entendessem a historia da familia. Nao precisa dizer tudo, mas ao menos as passagensmais importantes e as de menos pecados... digamos assim. Acho que seria agradavel e hilario saber o que aconteceu com seus antepassados... ou nao ?

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

daisy of my Wedding...

photo by Maiboo, Dave Ward and Bernie Kasper

Was clear, full of light and peace.
Had a lots of healing and comfort.
Dreams was in front of us...
waiting and waiting to be in real place.
We are happy more than we imagine
What a reassurance of God's plans and love !

I will flourish

photo by law keven

Few things are exquisite as a

tiny button of a flower.
Maybe will be open, maybe not. How we do know ? We don't.
But, this is not a excuse to do not plant the seeds.


my tuca

photo by Cas

End of my way...

photo by billy currie

posso andar ate onde tenho 'chao' e a partir dai tenho que depositar minha confianca no PAI que continua a minha frente, nao importa a minha visao das circunstancias.
persisto e dou o passo de fe; o meu passo eh tremulante, pois nada vejo, mas tenho certeza que nas maos de Deus posso todas as coisas !


Today... always a new day !

Again I am a new blank shift of paper
it's not amazing how that happens every sunrise ?

I'm the one who will decide what to do with my new day
That's what the parents always says to their kids:
"Be wise, every day it's a new day, don't wast your time... bla, bla, bla..."
How easy, hum... I mean: to say that !

But in the end it's simple:
I'll be the one who make decisions about everything for my Today.

In the other side... I cannot just accepted that simplicity
Because, I know inside my soul, in the deepest of my heart that a Creator is waiting for me to put in His hands my day!

What a relieve ! For me to rest and ask for wisdom to direct my life
Because, He is the one in charge, in control... because I choose that
He can make my fears, my weakness goes way and give me the reassurance
that I can do things, not in my strengh , not in my power...
but in His hands I can make wise decisions and walk through the valley.

Today, my day will be different
because Jesus gave me a blank shift of paper... more time.

Just tired...

photo by happy painter

Late, but not 'very' late...

Actually never is late
When you have new ideia
or old dreams
Little tired and anxious
that makes me sick
but I'll be healing on time

His time... always.


Monday, July 21, 2008

When I fell at MS...

photo by hernan p.


Requerem cabeca pensante

Alma pendente
Espirito rendido...
ao Soberano que
sempre faz mais do
que penso ou imagino.
