Thursday, April 22, 2010

No More Excuses

Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! —2 Corinthians 5:17

“I’ve always had a bad temper. That’s just the way I am.”
“I’m a straightforward person. That’s who I am, and that’s how people need to accept me.”
“I call things as I see them. I don’t sugarcoat anything.”

This list could go on endlessly, but the one thing these excuses have in common is that each is meant to justify the people being the way they are. It’s a way of resisting change.

It’s also a way for Satan to creep into our minds. The great deceiver tells us that we’re not rude—we are just being honest, and people need to respect that quality in us. We think we speak the truth as we see it, and we’re not cowards or hypocrites. If the devil can convince us that we don’t have to change—that we’re fine exactly the way we are—he has won a serious battle in our lives.

In fact, the devil can give us a lot of excuses for not changing. That may be the problem. If he convinces us that other people are at fault because “they are just too sensitive” or “they don’t want to hear the truth and face reality,” we don’t feel responsible, and we think we’re all right.

Another thing is that no matter how negative we may be in our thinking, most of us wouldn’t call ourselves “negative.” We prefer words like logical, realistic, forthright, or candid. Not facing the truth about ourselves is part of Satan’s deceptive work.

When I went through a period of extreme negativity, I wouldn’t have thought of myself as being negative. I was just being honest. If I saw something wrong, I spoke up. I offered my counsel on ways for people to change. I could see the weaknesses and problems of others, and I was quite happy to show them how they could overcome. On my worst days, I found things wrong with all my friends and everything they did. I didn’t have to look for things to criticize—I did it without effort. I didn’t consider it negative because I thought I was merely trying to be helpful. It never occurred to me in my prideful state that people didn’t really want my help. They wanted acceptance and encouragement, not judgment and criticism.

As I said, I never thought of myself as being negative—that is, until God dealt with me and convicted me.

I’m not trying to condemn anyone for being negative, frank, blunt, candid, or whatever term you may use for it, because condemning is in itself being negative. Instead, I want to help believers recognize their attitude problems and help them realize that God is able to deliver them.

We start the Christian life as new creations of God. Our past is wiped away. The Christian life is one of change—of growth—of moving onward.
The pathway to freedom begins when w
e face our problems, and face them without excuses. “Yes, I’m negative, but if you had come from the kind of family, I did, you’d—”

Stop! No excuses. We know what we were in the past, but we also know that we don’t have to remain that way now or in the future. With the help of Jesus Christ, we can have our minds renewed according to the Word of God.

The most difficult part may be to say to God, “I’m a negative person, but I want to change.” Remember that a negative mind produces a negative life. You’ve probably tried to change yourself many times in the past, but it didn’t work. Now you can begin to win the battle over Satan’s stronghold by admitting who you are and acknowledging that you must depend on God to change you.

From the book Battlefield of the Mind: 100 Insights That Will Change the Way You Think by Joyce Meyer.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Originally uploaded by Dalla*
that's how i feel today.for so many reasons: the cold for the last 3 weeks, the insomnia days ago, the parenthood...
if i keep thinking about all this things I'll be discourage.
a decision needs to be make: do I want to stay like that or can I learn from this once again, and go forward?

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavyladen and overburdened, and I will cause you to rest. [I will ease and relieve and refresh your souls. — Matthew 11:28

Many people today are stressed out beyond anything a human being was ever meant to endure. Every person is very different, uniquely created by God’s design. What is complicated for one may be simple for another. Don’t compare yourself with other people. But when faced with a problem or difficult circumstance you must ask yourself, “What would Jesus have me do in this situation? How would He handle it?”

Jesus was not stressed out or burned out. He was not controlled by circumstances or the demands of other people. In John 14:6, Jesus said, “I am the Way.” His way is the right way—the way that will lead you into righteousness, peace, and joy. Jesus prayed that His enjoyment would fill your soul, and it will when you learn to take His approach to life and its many different challenges.

From the book Ending Your Day Right: Devotions for Each Evening of the Year by Joyce Meyer.


Monday, April 19, 2010


Originally uploaded by josephine annika
Use me today as You want Lord !

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The old car and a passion of Crisildo

Originally uploaded by cassunca
How can you understand a passion of other person I don't no. That happens before with the penguins... and they are alike, rsrs Anyway don't need a explanation... I just enjoyed for him :)


beautiful song...

What a beautiful song in portuguese!
'A Woman of Faith', who decides to pray certainly will harvest wonderful and spectacular things for herself and the ones around her... and beyond.
